Creating Custom Symbol Thumbnails

Creating Custom Symbol Thumbnails

To create custom symbol thumbnails
1. Create new custom symbol using the HyDraw CAD Symbol Build Mode tools, and add text if desired. 
2. Add the symbol to the library. 
3. Open the HyDraw Library Manager. 
4. Find the newly created symbol in the folder it was placed.
5. Select the symbol with a left click of the mouse. 
      The file name will be added to the clipboard when selecting the symbol.
6. Open a notepad at paste with CTRL+V (clicking the symbol with the left mouse button causes the HyDraw Library manager to copy the symbol name)
7. Using the file explorer, search in the library folders for a file with the same name and extension labeled as .gif
8. Using Windows Explorer, delete the .gif of the symbol.
9. Create a .gif file that you would like to represent the symbol within the library explorer and name it as the now deleted file and replace it within the same location as deleted in step 8.

CAUTION: If the symbol is modified and saved again, this replaced .gif will be overwritten by an automatically genrated .gif based on the symbol edits.