How to vertically Display all Solenoid Functions added to a single Solenoid ID?

How to vertically Display all Solenoid Functions added to a single Solenoid ID?

When multiple functions are added to a single Solenoid ID in drawing, they display horizontally. To display all the attached functions vertically, follow the below steps:

For existing Symbols in drawing

1. Select the Symbol in drawing and right click select Edit.

2. Edit Mode opens. Select the SolenoidFunction and type PROPERTIES in the command line. In the Properties Window            change the Multiple Lines to YES and save the changes.

3. Go to Insert Ribbon, from Block Definition Tab select Synchronize.
    Select "Select" from command line, select the Symbol in drawing and select Yes. The Solenoid Function gets deleted from      the drawing.

4. Run Solenoid Info command and add the Solenoid Info. It will display vertically aligned.

For New Symbols inserted in drawing follow the same steps as mentioned above. Once you change the Properties to Multiple Line and Sync the attributes, it will display the added Solenoid functions correctly.