Making Connection Lines causes HyDraw CAD to crash

Making Connection Lines causes HyDraw CAD to crash

Often times this is due to a graphics issue. A set of solutions exists:
      1. Ensure that the Hardware Acceleration is turned ON
To do so, you may have to select Graphics performance within the customizations menu for the icon to appear:

Right click the odometer icon that has a red square around it and select "Graphics Performance..."

Ensure that it is set to ON within the pop-up:

      2. Ensure that the resolution is set appropriately for HyDraw CAD
Currently, HyDraw CAD can only handle any resolution below 3480x2160. Similarly, scaling should always be set below 200%.
These settings can be found within your computer's display settings.

      3. Ensure that the HyDraw settings override the high DPI scaling to the application
This can be achieved by navigating to the Graphics settings within the computer's display settings. The graphics options can be found by navigating to System>Display> Graphics Settings under Multiple displays

Once here, make sure that HyDraw CAD is not listed. This will allow HyDraw CAD to determine its own DPI scaling according to the settings.