Unable to Use License: 'Licensed Number of Users Already Reached' Message Appears

Unable to Use License: 'Licensed Number of Users Already Reached' Message Appears

When you try to acquire a license for MDTools, you receive the message "Licensed Number of Users Already Reached," even though the license was previously used on the same machine and not on any other.

This issue may occur after an unexpected system shutdown or program crash, which can prevent the license from being properly returned to FlexNet or cause it to become corrupted. In this case, the user needs to remove or rename the folder containing the license trusted file from the following directory: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\VEST\Embedded\MDTools<version>

Please follow the below steps to resolve the issue:
1.   Ensure that the license is not being used on any other machine.
2.   Navigate to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\VEST\Embedded.
3.   Rename the existing MDTools<version> folder to MDTools-1 or something similar.
4.   Reopen SolidWorks or Inventor and try to acquire the license again.
5.   You should now be able to obtain the license successfully.