Why does my HyDraw CAD Standalone license disappear?

Why does my HyDraw CAD Standalone license disappear?

When users utilize a standalone license, the license is pulled to a device and locked to it according to the MAC Address that is associated with the device. There are certain special cases where plugging in a second device through the USB Port or any other port within the system will result in the MAC Address appearing within the system (for example, a docking station). When a HyDraw CAD Standalone license is activated and something is plugged into the system, there is a chance it can get locked to that second device by accident. This results in the license appearing as 'missing' when you open HyDraw CAD and the second device is no longer plugged in.

Always activate HyDraw CAD without a second device like a docking station plugged in to avoid this scenario. In the case of an accidental activation, the following steps can be performed to reactivate the license properly:

1. Open HyDraw CAD with the docking station plugged in
2. Transfer the license out using the LICENSEINFO command
3. Close HyDraw CAD
4. Unplug the docking station
5. Open HyDraw CAD with the docking station still unconnected
6. Activate the standalone license using the CLSID provided by VEST

Re-activating the license without the docking station allows for the license to be tied to the correct MAC Address without any interference.